Blog/the creative playground

Posted on 23 Aug 2019

The creative playground – Elite Travel Group


Play-Doh, a human knot, and planting a tree – what is happening at Elite Travel Group’s headquarter?! To improve communication and team play within the Elite Travel Group as well as with our partners we are constantly working to grow as a company.


Therefore we invited Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel from Germany. Prof. Dr. Claudia works at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development at the faculty of Sustainable Business focusing on tourism. She held an active Design Thinking Workshop to experience a new and creative way to approach future challenges.

What is Design Thinking ?

The concept Design Thinking Workshop is a creative process to define challenges and come up with possibilities and prototypes and to test new ideas to find the best solutions for the company. For two days our team was motivated and moderated through the workshop by Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel. The main aim: strengthening the team spirit, thinking outside the box, handling a challenge from another perspective – so why not use Play-Doh?!


Team building methods like games such as the Gordian knot or a one-on-one interview on a personal level to get to know each other make for a good warm-up – as if it was not hot enough already with 40 degrees outside.


After the fun part always comes the creative workflow: Within three groups the Elite Travel Group team identified the responsibilities, the values, and purpose of the company, their own role, and personal goals by using the canvas model.


Have you ever asked yourself what your personal role is in your company? What are your strengths and what do you expect from your company and yourself?


Creativity was needed from everyone for the actual Design Thinking Challenge on the second day.



The Challenge: “How might we reach our customer directly with the most fitting product or service?”


Three groups approached the challenge from three different perspectives by starting to define the underlined words. The mix of different people from different backgrounds with different opinions obviously resulted in a wide-ranging understanding.

The air got heated up by all these creative minds and ideas. To visualize the outcome of the brainstorming every team member dug deep and let shine through their inner child- and that’s what Play-Doh and lots of other craft materials were used.


To conclude the two days Design Thinking Workshop the whole Elite Travel Group team planted a tree together as a symbol of achieving something together as the Elite Travel Family as well as a symbol of creating everlasting experiences and let something grow together. Hand in hand, for a better future.

Blog /A journey towards sustainability

Posted on 15 Jan 2020

Travelife: a journey towards sustainability

Sustainability integration in business is slowly starting to increase because companies are beginning to realize that they can be more successful by doing good.

But what does sustainability mean in business?

Seeing this great impact of the sustainability strategies, we decided that it was time to incorporate one in our company as well. That is how we found out about Travelife. Travelife is a sustainability system, founded in 2007, which promotes sustainable practices in the travel and tourism industry. This program includes three stages:

The two main categories that are influenced by sustainability in business are society and the environment. A sustainable business must have a strategy to positively affect these fields. On the contrary, if they do not claim responsibility it can bring up issues such as environmental damage and social injustice.


  1. Travelife Engaged
  2. Travelife Partner
  3. Travelife Certified

Since March 2019, Elite Travel Group is a Travelife Partner and since February 2022 Travelife Certified.

What are ETG's aspirations?

As we are about to be the first Albanian company Travelife certified, we know how important it is to have common sense and to care for social life, for the economy of the area and region in which we live, and, last but not least, care about the environment. Sustainability as a concept comes with different challenges in different countries. Since we are considered a country under development, our biggest focus remains on the social aspect. We are pioneering the sustainable policies in Albania, through our public and social activities, society-building concepts through education and training for the young, teacher communities, and the suppliers. We strongly believe that education is the best means by which we can provide the support to tackle the economic and environmental aspects. We know that we alone cannot change the place we live in, but alone we can inspire others and be copied by them, to make today better than yesterday.

What are our achievements so far and what are we planning?

It is worth emphasizing some of our most remarkable moments in this journey towards sustainability. During October 2019 we had the Green Month at our office, which consisted of weekly activities to improve the environment. In the photos below you can see some of them:

Green October: Overshoot Day
Green October: A Sustainability Challenge
Green October: Action Day

Limiting elevator usage

Something else that we are doing currently is limiting the usage of the elevator at our headquarters. In this way, we can save electricity and encourage our employees to be more active.

Blog/four students internships at ETG

Posted on 16 Jan 2020

Four student internships at Elite Travel Group


Three Germans, one Chilean, one travel company, four internships – as Pia would say ? During July and August 2019 we welcomed four student interns at our ETG headquarters in Elbasan, Albania. They all came from Eberswalde University in Berlin, which is entirely focused on sustainable tourism. Being part of the Sustainable Tourism Management master’s program, they decided to join our team to complete their internship semester of 17 weeks and they also got to explore a little bit more about Albania.

But what exactly were their tasks?

Pia-Marie Opitz, from Bremen, Germany. Her aim was to support product development, focusing on attractions, activities, and festivals in all regions in Albania. Her task was to help to identify interesting elements, which also empower and support the local communities for further product development.

Nina Saggese, from Mainz, Germany. Her task at Elite Travel was to identify traditional products from Albania through all of the 12 regions. As a foodie and a wine lover, of course, her topics were food, wine & costumes.

Simon Reuter, from Nuremberg, Germany. Being an outdoor sports lover, his task was to identify tourism products in different regions for further development in the future, with special regard to outdoor and adventure tourism.

Gonzalo Torres Flores, from Valparaíso, Chile. His goal in the company was to support Elite Academy, motivate young people, help to organize the training of the staff and improve the employment situation in Elbasan.

They all traveled across Albania and got familiar with our country, our traditions and our people. These travels mostly benefited Pia, Nina, and Simon so that they could gather materials for their internship tasks. Meanwhile, Gonzalo was more focused on the activities of Elite Academy, such as Spoonbill Nest 2019. Having these students as part of our team for four months was also a great opportunity for us. They brought their own perspective, each in their unique way and that is why Elite Travel Group is always open to offer internships. These internships were not the first ones that we have offered as a company and we look forward to having many more in the future with students from all around the world.


Blog/it takes a visionary spirit to move a country

Posted on 29 Jan 2020

It takes a visionary spirit to move a country (Edelweiss Magazine)

Visionary spirit

Planning a life in Albania usually means emigrating. There are barely any jobs, and the wages are low. Some deliberately stay home and work to improve their country’s future.



Fifty kilometers farther east, just off the Macedonian border, Elvis Kotherja is stomping down soggy meadows because the paths are full of knee-deep puddles. The travel organizer wants to show off the nature of his country.

The Shebenik-Jablanica national park is one of the youngest and largest ones of its kind in the country. It’s located at the former Iron Curtain and historically was a barred military area. The old beech forests are now protected. Some of them are watched over by UNESCO. There are glacial lakes, the Balkan lynx, wolves and brown bears, as well as endemic plants such as the Balkan violet and the Albanian lily.

Other countries would set out and develop a tourism strategy immediately, charge admission fees and offer services; this hasn’t happened here yet, despite 18,000 tourists visiting the park a year now. Most only stay for a single day, and even the town from which the hikers set out only has a few bunk beds and a shared bathroom at the visitors’ center if someone wants to stay the night.

«They should build small, simple bungalows with their own bathrooms, surrounded by nature. Visitors would love that. »

Elvis Kotherja

The 38-year-old has many ideas. He can see what would promise success and where the issues are. He hopes that the locals have the courage to open a guest house, a bicycle rental station, and a snack stand for the national park. He hopes the emigrated generation will return to build a future here.



«Education must come first,» Elvis Kotherja says.

He was born during the time of dictatorship. His parents named him after the US rock star they loved.

«Why doesn’t Albania introduce the dual education system that Switzerland has? Young people prefer hands-on training. They want to see and act, rather than just learn the theory behind it all.»

Yet that is just what training looks like in large parts of the country. The curricula are outdated, too.

«Plumbers are still taught to work with copper pipes when we have long ago switched to plastic ones.» It wasn’t exactly surprising that young people lacked enthusiasm under such circumstances.

His company, Elite Travel Albania, employs about fifty people. He never tires of training them and others. Elvis Kotherja received a sustainability award and founded an academy where he offers workshops for guides, receptionists, waiters, and programmers. He sets an example and hopes that others will copy him – be they companies or the state. His company’s logo shows a spoonbill bird, representing nature and sustainability.

«This migratory bird is also a synonym for Albanians who leave the country,» says Elvis Kotherja.

That is what he thinks needs to be prevented. The people must once more believe in their own country and invest in their own future here. The citizens of Berat do the same. The cobblestone alleys are lined with small cafés, restaurants, boutiques and souvenir shops.

After the collapse of Communism, the city was quickly looking for different options. Its citizens put their hopes in tourism and set up a website, put up signposts and installed notice signs. The children now rush out of their schools; they are proud of their pretty clothes, and new satchels. They confidently try out their first words in English. They are visionaries already, even though they do not yet know it. They are the country’s future.



Lebensplanung in Albanien bedeutet meist auszuwandern, denn es gibt kaum Jobs und die Löhne sind niedrig. Doch manche bleiben ganz bewusst in ihrer Heimat und arbeiten an der Zukunft des Landes.





Fünfzig Kilometer weiter im Osten, kurz vor der mazedonischen Grenze, stapft Elvis Kotherja über aufgeweichte Wiesen, weil die Wege voll knietiefer Pfützen sind. Der Reiseunternehmer will zeigen, was sein Land an Natur zu bieten hat.

Der Nationalpark Shebenik-Jablanica ist einer der jüngsten und grössten des Landes, liegt am ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhang und war lange Zeit militärisches Sperrgebiet. Die alten Buchenwälder stehen inzwischen unter Schutz, über einen Teil wacht sogar die UNESCO. Es gibt Gletscherseen, den Balkanluchs, Wölfe und Braunbären, ausserdem endemische Pfl anzen wie das Balkanveilchen und die Albanische Lilie.

Andere Länder würden direkt ein Tourismuskonzept entwickeln, Eintritt verlangen, Services anbieten. 18 000 Touristen kommen inzwischen in den Park, meist nur für Tagesausflüge. Selbst in dem Ort, an dem die Wanderungen starten, gibt es zum Übernachten nur ein paar Stockbetten mit Gemeinschaftsbad im Besucherzentrum.

«Hier müsste man kleine Bungalows in die Natur bauen, einfach, aber mit eigenem Bad. Das würde Besuchern gefallen.»

Elvis Kotherja

Der 38-Jährige hat viele Ideen. Er sieht, was Erfolg verspricht und wo es hakt. Für den Nationalpark hofft er, dass die Einheimischen den Mut haben, ein Guesthouse, einen Fahrradverleih und einen Imbissstand zu eröffnen. Und dass die ausgewanderte Generation zurückkommt und sich hier eine Zukunft auf baut.





«An erster Stelle muss Bildung stehen», findet Elvis Kotherja, der noch während der Diktatur zur Welt kam und den seine Eltern so nannten, weil sie den amerikanischen Rockstar mochten.


«Warum führen wir in Albanien nicht das duale Bildungssystem ein wie in der Schweiz? Die Jungen wollen anfassen, sehen, machen, nicht nur Theorie.»


Denn so sieht die Ausbildung in weiten Teilen bei veralteten Lehrplänen noch aus.

«Ein Klempner lernt, wie man mit Kupferrohren arbeitet, obwohl längst Plastikrohre benutzt werden.» Dass da das Engagement des Nachwuchses leide, sei keine Frage.

Rund fünfzig Menschen arbeiten für seine Firma, die Elite Travel Albania. Er wird nicht müde, sie und andere zu schulen. Elvis Kotherja hat einen Nachhaltigkeitspreis bekommen und eine Akademie gegründet, in der er Workshops für Guides, Rezeptionisten, Kellner und Programmierer anbietet. Er geht voran und hofft, kopiert zu werden – von Firmen oder vom Staat. Das Logo seiner Firma ist ein Löffler, ein Vogel, der an Natur und Nachhaltigkeit denken lässt.

«Aber dieser Zugvogel ist auch ein Synonym für Albaner, die das Land verlassen», sagt Elvis Kotherja.

Und genau das ist es, was es seiner Ansicht nach zu verhindern gilt. Die Bevölkerung muss wieder ans eigene Land glauben und hier in die eigene Zukunft investieren. So wie es die Bewohner Berats tun. An den Pflastergassen finden sich kleine Cafés, Restaurants, Boutiquen und Souvenirläden.

Die Stadt hat nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus früh eine Alternative gesucht und in der Hoffnung auf Tourismus eine Webseite eingerichtet, Wegweiser aufgestellt und Hinweisschilder angebracht. Ihre Kinder strömen gerade aus den Schulhäusern. Sie sind stolz auf ihre hübschen Kleider, die neuen Schulranzen und probieren selbstbewusst ihr erstes Englisch aus. Sie sind bereits Visionäre, ohne es zu wissen. Sie sind die Zukunft des Lande

*This article was taken from Edelweiss Travel Magazine December 2019-February 2020 issue

*Dieser Artikel stammt aus der Dezember 2019-Februar 2020-Ausgabe des Edelweiss Travel Magazine

News / inside the social media workshop

Posted on 13 Feb 2020

Inside the social media workshop at ETG

What is the big deal with social media? What is the right social media strategy?


On the verge of improving communication and bonding our team at ETG, we decided to have workshops on different aspects of our job so that colleagues understand better what each department does. One of them was the Social Media Workshop.


So, what was the goal of this workshop?


Two of the interns Pia-Marie Opitz and Nina Saggese created this workshop. The main goal of the workshop was to introduce the staff with the various forms of social media, explain how to make it useful in 12 steps, and its importance in the business. Hence, every participant, despite their department, got to have a look at what the marketing team deals with when it comes to social media.


Inside the workshop…


A quiz on “What’s your social media?” started the warmup for the participants. Afterward, there was a discussion about what social media channels we use to promote our brand and what are all the options. Furthermore, the interns introduced the team with “12 Easy Steps for Successful Social Media Management”.


Then, it was time for practice!


The participants got divided into 4 groups and had to create one Instagram post, keeping in mind everything mentioned before. Lastly, each group shared their results and their takeaways from this workshop.

To conclude, we believe that this experience brought us one step closer to each other and made us understand more about the importance of the ETG brand from a different perspective.

News / hiking & guiding in the outdoors

Posted on 03 Mar 2020

Hiking & Guiding in the outdoors workshop at ETG


What is hiking? Why is it so popular? What makes it one of the biggest trends in tourism? Among different workshops held at ETG headquarters, one of them was the Hiking and Guiding in the Outdoors Workshop. Simon Reuter, the intern from Eberswalde University, created and delivered this presentation. Being a passionate hiker, rock climber, and mountaineer since childhood, Simon, shared his experience and tips. Besides explaining the theory behind this touristic activity, he also invited our team to join him on a hike to Brari mountain.

Inside the workshop

The first part of the presentation was about hiking. It started with the basic hiking theory. We discussed different hiking terrains, what kind of clothing and gear is needed, and how to make orientation easier.

After that, we talked about safety and risk management. In this module, we saw the causes of hiking accidents, how to manage weather conditions, and what is the necessary emergency gear. By the end of the module, we talked about how to plan a hike.

Putting theory into practice

The last part of the workshop was the actual hike to Brari mountain. During this part, we got to put theory into practice. We got divided into three groups and had different tasks. The first group was the planners, the second group was the storytellers, and the third one was the navigators. This workshop was yet another successful way to bring our team together and to explore one of the most popular trends in tourism. It was a very interesting experience for all of us and also a lot of fun.

News / history of tourism & today's problem

Posted on 27 Mar 2020

History of tourism and today’s problems


Humans have traveled since the beginning of time. Initially, they traveled mostly for their basic needs and trade. Later on, following the evolution of technology, people started to travel for leisure and exploring.

How did the tourism begin?


It is believed that the history of tourism began somewhere around the end of the 18th century. The initial destinations for western civilizations would be historical sites such as ancient Greece or Rome and the Seven Wonders of the World. As for the eastern civilizations, the primary form of tourism would be considered pilgrimage.

Other early tourist destinations include thermal spas and grand tours of cultural sites for the aristocrats. By the early 19th century, these journeys were very common among middle-class Europeans.

The final push towards tourism globalization was the transport improvements starting from railways to cruises and finally airplanes. Later on, in the early 21st century, international tourism became one of the most important economic activities in the world.

What are the economic impacts of tourism?

The social and economic impact of the travel industry throughout the years has been undeniably enormous.


According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, only in 2018, the global Travel & Tourism sector contributed a record of $8.8 trillion and 319 million jobs to the world economy. For eight consecutive years, this contribution has surpassed the growth rate of the world GDP.  In addition to that, this research shows that Tourism is the second-fastest-growing sector in the world behind Healthcare.


What problems is the tourism industry facing today?

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the world, in general, is experiencing some major challenges.  Facing the risks of a weaker world economy, political, social and trade tensions, needless to say, the tourism sector is shaken. Right now we are encountering impacts on both travel supply and demand.


Considering that this situation brings new updates every day, it is hard to give an estimation of the full impact of this pandemic. However, based on research made by UNWTO, it is estimated that during 2020, the global international tourist arrivals might decline and the loss could be of $30-$50 billion in spending by international visitors. Besides that, the coronavirus could be putting at risk around 50 million jobs around the world in the tourism sector. So far, it is certain that Asia and the Pacific region will be the most.


Tourism currently in Albania and the Balkans.

A travel destination that has gained a lot of popularity, is the Balkan peninsula. For a long time, these countries, except Greece, were off the beaten path for the tourists. Eventually, the tourism industry became a very important part of the GDP in these countries. Albania makes no exception because these last few years we have seen a boom in the tourism industry.


However, with the latest coronavirus outbreak, which has affected every Balkan country, tourism has taken a hard hit. First of all, with the borders being closed and flights suspended, many incoming and outgoing tourists are either canceling their plans or postponing them. Also, many of the tourist attractions, bars, restaurants are closed and different events and activities have stopped until further notice. Nonetheless, there are still bookings for Summer and Fall 2020 but with a very slow sales volume.


The fight with Covid-19 has just started, and we hope that everything turns back to normal as soon as possible, and the upcoming months show better numbers.

News/steps towards Elbasan Digital City

Posted on 02 Feb 2021

Oracle agreement: steps toward elbasan digital city 2025

In December, we invited Jane Richardson, the Senior Director of Oracle Academyto the annual youth conference SpoonbillNest 2020. During her speech, she discussed the advancements in computer science and global learning, as well as the role of women in STEM. At the same time, a possible partnership between Oracle Academy and education institutions in Elbasan was mentioned.
Now we can proudly say that this step towards our goal “Elbasan Digital City 2025” has succeeded.

What is Oracle Academy?

Oracle is a global leader in enterprise software and IT solutions. It is well known for its cloud computing and database packages. As a part of their philanthropic program for global learning, they launched Oracle Academy. Its goal is to make advancements in computer and technology education worldwide and encourage innovation and diversity in different technology fields. Their commitment to education started 25 years ago. Now Oracle works with 120 institutions all over the world. Their support consists of curricula, Oracle cloud technology, software, and professional certification.
Now for the first time, we have this partnership in Albania as well starting with the University A. Xhuvani and professional schools of Elbasan.

How will the Oracle program be implemented?

Oracle is a global leader in enterprise software and IT solutions. It is well known for its cloud computing and database packages. As a part of their philanthropic program for global learning, they launched Oracle Academy. Its goal is to make advancements in computer and technology education worldwide and encourage innovation and diversity in different technology fields. Their commitment to education started 25 years ago. Now Oracle works with 120 institutions all over the world. Their support consists of curricula, Oracle cloud technology, software, and professional certification.
Now for the first time, we have this partnership in Albania as well starting with the University A. Xhuvani and professional schools of Elbasan.

What does this mean for future?

The University of Elbasan is the first Oracle Academy partner in Albania. We expect that this will not only change the way and quality of teaching but also attract more students. This program will create a generation that will be equipped with all the necessary tools for a better perspective for Elbasan. That is why we are proud to be a step closer to our initiative “Elbasan Digital City 2025”.
Stay tuned for more updates!

Blog /rebuilding the tourism industry

Posted on 24 Feb 2021

Rebuilding the tourism industry of western Balkans on new market realities and adapting the tourism products to the “New Normal”

This webinar series will be presented on March 3-rd, 17-th, and 24-th, and will reveal important information about adapting to market trends, the new priorities for health and safety protocols, and provide a toolkit for B2B marketing in the current global crisis, all tailored to the needs of Western Balkan economies. More details about the individual webinars can be found attached.


Marlon van Hee will be leading the presentations and will share some practical tools and guidance for accessing the European markets, understanding and marketing USPs, implementing WTTC-protocols for COVID-19 for all sectors in the supply chain, and finding digital alternatives to traditional marketing strategies.


The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is an all-inclusive, regionally owned, and led cooperation framework. RCC’s Triple P Tourism Project, a three-year initiative funded by the EU, focuses on the 6 IPA II beneficiaries in the Western Balkans. The project aims to improve the quality of the tourism offer by: creating joint offer/product(s) to foster regional integration in the tourism sector and its joint global promotion; diversifying tourism offer of the region; alleviating policy barriers to development of tourism industry and easing of administrative procedures; improving the level of services related to tourism; and supporting small-scale infrastructure projects to support the development of regional tourism offer/product.

Contact info:

Organization: Elite Travel Group
Address: “Rr. Kozma Naska”, Nr. 33/6, Elbasan 3001, Albania

Contact info:

Organization: RCC TripleP Project
Address: Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1/V 71000 Sarajevo

March 3, 10 am – 1 pm CET: 

“Adapting Tourism Products for New Priority Markets: Improving access in the new EU market landscape, USPs, and preparing for trade fairs”

This webinar will teach how to successfully export to leading EU source markets through detailed information about trends and developments, (niche) market segments, and developing the right products. Attendees will gain a profound understanding of what B2B partners expect from them. This webinar will also focus on the importance of Unique Selling Points and how to optimize the corporate presentation on/offline including learning how to do an elevator pitch, the difference between B2C and B2B communication. During the webinar, special attention will also be given to the post-Covid era, health and safety, and sustainability practices. Finally, the webinar will help trainees to get better prepared for trade fair participation, including the upcoming ITB Berlin.


March 17, 10 am – 1 pm CET: 

“Health and Safety Protocols in the Tourism Value Chain – International best practices and the road towards a Regional Approach”

This webinar includes an overview of international best practices for tour operating businesses, with a focus on how to be adaptive & resilient to the current state of affairs, and the specific needs of various tourism sectors. The importance of alignment of national tourism health and safety criteria with the WTTC-protocols, and of having an audit (management) system in place to monitor and evaluate proper implementation, will be covered. The webinar will also serve as a platform to further discuss the current national tourism health and safety systems in place in the different WB6 economies, to look for synergies and the possibilities to work towards a regional, common approach. Attendees will have access to a downloadable “COVID-19 Manual for Tour Operators”, and also have the opportunity to register for an optional individual Health and Safety Certification exam from Travelife, which is internationally recognized. Guest Speaker: Ms. Lan Chi, Travelife.


March 24, 10 am – 1 pm CET: 

“B2B Marketing – Optimizing your Tourism Promotional Activities – a Toolkit for strategic guidance with special attention to COVID-19 and Sustainability”

Attendees will be familiarized with the newly developed “Tourism Destination Promotion Toolbox for Business Support Organizations (BSOs)”. This Toolbox – jointly created by CBI (, ITC (, SIPPO (, and IPD ( – helps tourism businesses and tourism business support organizations (BSOs) to select and implement the optimal (destination) promotion activities and to strengthen destination competitiveness and sustainability, and introduces the following six main tourism promotion tools available:

Trade Fairs (B2C and B2B)
Road Shows
Familiarisation Trips (B2B, press and media)

OFFLINE campaigns
ONLINE campaigns
Press and Media

The Toolbox was developed in 2020, and therefore takes into account Covid-19 and its consequences on the tourism sector, including adaptations of these tools for the current and postpandemic realities. During the webinar, the examples of familiarization trips and trade fairs in the current tourism context will be discussed in depth.

RCC logos
EU logo

Disclaimer: The contents of this document the sole responsibility of the Elite Travel Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Regional Cooperation Council and the European Union.

News / një projekt nga ETG dhe Progress International S.A.

Posted on 17 Feb 2019

Nje projekt nga ETG dhe Progress International

Cooperation between Elite Travel Group, Elite Academy, and Progress International



On the verge of training hoteliers, this time Elite Travel Group is cooperating with Progress International to train the hoteliers in Durres, Albania.

Trajnimi i hotelierëve vazhdon të jetë pjesë e projekteve tona. Kësaj radhe Elite Travel Group bashkëpunoi me Progress International për të trajnuar hotelierët në Durrës, Shqipëri.


Si u zhvillua trajnimi i hotelierëve?

Gjatë muajit Janar, 2019, Elite Travel Group zhvilloi punë kërkimore dhe intervista me hotelet në rajonin e Durrësit. Më pas pati një proces përzgjedhjeje ku u zgjodhën 9 hotele. Trajnimi u përqendrua në katër aspekte kryesore: menaxhimi, shëndeti dhe siguria, shërbimet ndaj klientit dhe financat.


Së pari, për sa i përket menaxhimit, ka patur trajnime në lidhje me procedurat e menaxhimit të hotelit, rekrutimin e stafit dhe politikën e menaxhimit të burimeve njerëzore, menaxhimin e ndarjes së dhomave, përdorimin e sistemit të menaxhimit të pronave, dhe menaxhimin e ankesave. Një pjesë tjetër e rëndësishme e këtij hapi ishte informimi kulturor për të kuptuar më mirë klientët nga kultura të ndryshme.


Së dyti, në lidhje me shëndetin dhe sigurinë, fokusi kryesor ishte trajnimi i stafit dhe gjithashtu përditësimi i procedurave të higjenës.


Së treti, në lidhje me shërbimet ndaj klientit, u zhvillua trajnim për stafin e shitjeve, duke përfshirë rezervimet dhe recepsionin.


Së fundmi, ka pasur përmirësime në lidhje me aspektin financiar të biznesit. Kryesisht u diskutua lehtësimi i transaksioneve dhe përmirësimi i kontabilitetit financiar.



Rezultatet nga projekti

Rezultati i projektit ishte shumë i frytshëm. Elite Travel Group, Elite Academy dhe Progress International arritën të trajnojnë të 9-të hotelierët. Njëri prej tyre është një nga grupet më të mëdha të hotelierëve në Shqipëri sot. Trajnimi i hotelierëve në Shqipëri dhe Ballkan është thelbësor në mënyrë që ata të jenë gjithmonë në përputhje me standardet ndërkombëtare të shërbimit. Ne jemi optimist që ky projekt trajnimi i ka përmirësuar dhe përgatitur ata për të ardhmen e turizmit shqiptar.

Na ndiqni për përditësime mbi projektet tona të rradhës!

The creative playground

Blog/the creative playground Posted on 23 Aug 2019 The creative playground – Elite Travel Group Play-Doh, a human knot, and planting a tree – what is happening at Elite Travel Group’s headquarter?! To improve communication and team play within the Elite Travel Group as well as with our partners we are constantly working to grow […]

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A journey toward sustainability

sustainability policy

Blog /A journey towards sustainability Posted on 15 Jan 2020 Travelife: a journey towards sustainability Sustainability integration in business is slowly starting to increase because companies are beginning to realize that they can be more successful by doing good. But what does sustainability mean in business? Seeing this great impact of the sustainability strategies, we […]

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Student Interships at ETG

Blog/four students internships at ETG Posted on 16 Jan 2020 Four student internships at Elite Travel Group Three Germans, one Chilean, one travel company, four internships – as Pia would say ? During July and August 2019 we welcomed four student interns at our ETG headquarters in Elbasan, Albania. They all came from Eberswalde University […]

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Visionary spirit

Blog/it takes a visionary spirit to move a country Posted on 29 Jan 2020 It takes a visionary spirit to move a country (Edelweiss Magazine) English Planning a life in Albania usually means emigrating. There are barely any jobs, and the wages are low. Some deliberately stay home and work to improve their country’s future. […]

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Hiking & Guiding

Our vision

News / hiking & guiding in the outdoors Posted on 03 Mar 2020 Hiking & Guiding in the outdoors workshop at ETG What is hiking? Why is it so popular? What makes it one of the biggest trends in tourism? Among different workshops held at ETG headquarters, one of them was the Hiking and Guiding […]

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History of tourism

News / history of tourism & today’s problem Posted on 27 Mar 2020 History of tourism and today’s problems Humans have traveled since the beginning of time. Initially, they traveled mostly for their basic needs and trade. Later on, following the evolution of technology, people started to travel for leisure and exploring.   How did […]

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Oracle Agreement

News/steps towards Elbasan Digital City Posted on 02 Feb 2021 Oracle agreement: steps toward elbasan digital city 2025 In December, we invited Jane Richardson, the Senior Director of Oracle Academy, to the annual youth conference SpoonbillNest 2020. During her speech, she discussed the advancements in computer science and global learning, as well as the role of women in […]

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Rebuilding the tourism industry

Blog /rebuilding the tourism industry Posted on 24 Feb 2021 Rebuilding the tourism industry of western Balkans on new market realities and adapting the tourism products to the “New Normal” This webinar series will be presented on March 3-rd, 17-th, and 24-th, and will reveal important information about adapting to market trends, the new priorities for […]

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Nje projekt nga ETG

News / një projekt nga ETG dhe Progress International S.A. Posted on 17 Feb 2019 Nje projekt nga ETG dhe Progress International Cooperation between Elite Travel Group, Elite Academy, and Progress International On the verge of training hoteliers, this time Elite Travel Group is cooperating with Progress International to train the hoteliers in Durres, Albania. Trajnimi i hotelierëve […]

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